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Why is it called a leisure area? We often say that a soldier who never rests is definitely not a good soldier. So in the leisure area, we are here to completely relax. Since we are in the leisure area, let’s take a break. We, the Feel Team, are here to give you some feel. We have collected some questions that everyone is curious about regarding civil aviation. You just need to answer yes or no. If it’s yes, raise your right hand. If it’s no, raise your left hand. Get ready for the first question. Would you choose a colleague as your partner? Actually, I’m more curious about what my master thinks. Shall we… A model double flying family. The wife used to be a flight attendant. She schemed and even framed the master. Ah, ah, they’re making you jump. No, I didn’t, I didn’t. Brave, they’re making you jump. Hahaha. Not enough, not enough, not enough. Hahaha. It’s already late, it’s already late, it’s already late. This scene is unbearable. He’s really good at acting cute. Both boys and girls are good at acting cute. Seems like a good disciple. You’ll see. Sit, sit, sit. Master, sit next to me. Feel my master’s aura. Hahaha, okay. So, let’s start with the first question. Raise your hands if you choose to be colleagues. Good. Why wouldn’t you choose a colleague as your partner? Ah. So, within the same industry, are there other colleagues who are partners? You’re referring to colleagues in the same field, right? Within the same industry, right. I thought you were talking about the useless colleagues. But why would there be different choices? Oh, I think our circle is relatively small. And I have been deeply involved in this circle. So relatively, my knowledge is more focused on the banking aspect. But if I have a partner from a different industry, they can provide me with different perspectives and ideas. When we interact and collide, there will be sparks that are different. Great, come on. Next question, during a flight, if you see a beautiful scene of the apocalypse, would you want to share it with the passengers? 321. Don’t waste the beautiful scenery. Do you guys think that during a flight, have you ever seen a particularly impressive scenery that left a deep impression on you? Something very magnificent, like the water system and mountain tops that connect like a funnel and turn into water. A large expanse of dark clouds that form a bucket. It’s rain in our aviation terms. Rain turns rain, yes Wow There’s something I want to share It’s about New Year’s Eve this year I happened to be flying from Urumqi to Xiamen After takeoff From the northwest of our motherland to the southeast The whole mainland was setting off fireworks And we saw the fireworks from the plane Twinkling Small and equivalent to my New Year’s Eve this year I watched tens of thousands of fireworks The passengers on the plane were also going home And I was responsible for taking them home And I saw tens of thousands of fireworks on the ground I felt like tens of thousands of sailors This is truly blissful This profession I really can’t think of Any other profession that can have such an experience On the Lunar New Year’s Eve And flying from one end of our motherland to the other Crossing the entire country Seeing countless fireworks What it feels like to celebrate together with the whole nation A unique romantic feeling for Chinese people Seeing the lights of countless homes The next you Will you feel More handsome after putting on a uniform 321, please raise your hand It’s necessary, right? It’s necessary It’s necessary, it’s necessary, it’s necessary Senior sister, senior sister Just now, it seemed like there were other thoughts Why is every side so handsome The one on the right looks like a desktop warrior The warrior on the desktop is very domineering Alright, so next, again If given another choice Would you still become a pilot Unanimously passed