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I’m ready. Here we go, start the timer, start the timer. Come on, start running. Longlong, come on, come on, come on, come on. You’re really young. Hahaha, choose the male symbol for massage over here. Aviation meteorological symbol. The aviation meteorological symbol is specifically for pilots. It’s actually different from the meteorological symbols we usually see. It’s not the same. I already have some flying experience. The first aviation meteorological symbol is a bit challenging. But I think I’m quite confident about it. Now I’m going to ask you a question. If your shoe size is 42, What’s your answer? Answer me using banking terminology. Attention allocation. In the cockpit, We have six instruments in front of us. It tests our attention allocation. Ability. Constantly disturbing them Asking them questions. Multitasking is testing our ability to multitask. Now I’m going to ask you some questions. Answer me using banking terminology. What are the last four digits of your phone number? 6, followed by 2 sixes. Attention allocation. You also have to switch languages. Wow, this is difficult. What is your weight? 64 kilograms. What was your heaviest weight? Back then, I weighed 800 kilograms. In which year was your girlfriend born? Hahaha. In which year was your girlfriend born? I don’t have a girlfriend. I don’t have a girlfriend. That’s so sweet, hahaha. Wow, I need to take a shower. This is getting difficult. It’s not a one-to-one correspondence inside. There are many distractors inside. There are many incorrect answers. Because this is a difficult task. This is really difficult. If you give him a pen and paper to draw directly, I believe he can complete this question in 30 seconds. Exactly, exactly. Because we have to look it up again, and we have to ask questions. This is difficult. You still have 14 minutes. Too many, not good. I need to put all of these on the ground. Because each one I use less takes up a lot of time. Oh, he’s found a technique now. Separating them is still strategic. Well, if you usually lift weights, How much weight can you lift with dumbbells? If it’s bench pressing, 100 kilograms. Is that the waist hole? Waist hole in kilograms. Will he be deducted points for that? Waist hole is fine. But if he places the images incorrectly, he will be deducted points later. Right? Yes, shouting for help will be judged. So he can answer randomly. He actually has a girlfriend for this question. Oh, why is it still the first question? How much is 10,004 kilometers? 30. What time did you go to bed yesterday? 11 in the middle of the movement. What time did you wake up this morning? In the middle of 8 in the movement. Because each fitness exercise 6 times. How many times is 256? 108. Stop it, master. Hahaha, what date is it today? Noon, two degrees, 520. Wow haha, master, 520. Hahaha. Although master wastes a little time. But I want to express my love to you. There are still 13 minutes left. Hahaha. Master also expressed his love. Actually, I still have 13 minutes in my heart. Medium wave. Electric wave here. Hey little brother. Kill me, Jinbao should squat down. OK, let’s go. Good, correct. Longlong can easily score 40 points. Great. He has already had 4 minutes. You have to tilt your head and close your eyes. Rotate clockwise 20 times. Then hold the racket and touch the ping pong ball. The ball cannot drop during the process. If it drops, you have to start over. Then reach the designated position. Calculate the height. Why do you have to tilt your head? Just to increase the difficulty. And also to calculate. Too difficult. If it’s a cash calculation, It’s a composite ability test. If it’s simple, it’s -5-5. If it’s difficult, it’s 20 times. Oh my goodness, I’m completely clueless about this. I give up after two rounds. I’m about to vomit. These people must be stable, so they have to hold the ping pong ball. Straighten your hand and go. Then complete the calculation. Holding the ping pong ball. Dada, how is that possible? Dada, how is that possible? Master, please stand slower. Don’t be so harsh on me. Hey hey, Yang brother. Hahaha. It’s your choice. Difficult mode. I’m already dizzy after spinning this circle. I’ll be dizzy for 20 minutes if you block me. No, really. Of course, it’s Master Yan. Oh my. Alright, let’s go. Take the ping pong paddle. First take off the safety belt. He’s pretty stable. Look at his eyes. Oh oh. We can only catch up if we come down. Nana, steady first. We can’t rush, it’s really difficult, my goodness. Don’t drop the phone! If you drop it, start over. Wow, wow, wow! Amazing! Ah! So difficult. Are you going to film? Or maybe it’s better not to go over. It’s his own choice. Just make sure you don’t drop your phone. You’re persistent. It’s also a way to handle it. Okay, that’s enough. Parachute mode. The current altitude of the aircraft is 6,000 meters. 50 nautical miles away from the target airport. Current speed is 250 knots. With a tailwind of 20 knots. I can’t quite understand this part. Haha, why are you laughing? This calculation content is actually about how the aircraft goes from cruising to landing it’s a process like that. Because of weather, it deviates from the route sometimes high, sometimes low. So we calculate in our minds the current altitude of the aircraft as we descend. Transition. To achieve a smooth and safe landing. The amount of calculation is quite large, right? 60% of the match. 6.5 right, 767. 80 left, not enough. It’s too high, too high. Currently divided into 5 parts, 20 knots. 20 knots is 2 nautical miles. 6,960 nautical miles. What’s the specific value? 6,000 feet. Good, up a bit. Down a bit, wow. Hold hands, hey. Got 80 points. Wow, so amazing. It took a very short time. The third in history. Third. The third in history is because I have good physical fitness. I have had training experiences in historical rescues before. I’m confident in terms of physical fitness. Although the probability of a water landing is extremely low, we still conduct regular training to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Today’s test segment only tested the final step of water landing. After scaring all the passengers. The pilot finally clears the aircraft and evacuates. This is our escape door. Located in the middle emergency exit position. And then we have to leave last. Even if the plane is already on fire. There’s no one left. You still have to complete this journey. About to cry. He completely liquidated the basic mode. Then he goes up himself. Hard mode. We added a 20kg dummy for him. We found him and rescued him. We put a life jacket on him. 20kg, huh? That’s about the same as me. He’s just a little heavier than you. Not only are you dizzy. You’re not very clear about the calculations. You’re not very clear about the weight aspect. You’re not very clear about the calculations. Start executing a water landing. Cabin crew, take your positions. Cabin crew, take your positions. Cabin crew, take your positions. Evacuate, evacuate. Evacuate to the front cabin. Evacuate to the front cabin. There’s water behind. His command is very standard. 3-minute evacuation command. Then ask everyone to move forward. Because there’s water behind. The two compartments behind us cannot be used. I’m so touched. Is anyone there? Anyone else? Anyone else? Put on your life jackets. Move forward, run forward. All the water should go to the car clothes for ventilation. With even skills. Don’t inflate it first. Inflate it in the water tank. Actually, you have to take every angle. Yes, has anyone been found? Hello, hello. Can you hear me? Hello, hello. Can you hear me? Found you in the bathroom, oh. Hello, sorry, it’s already… Total takeoff plus one. All the way is good, it’s 1. All the way is good, it’s 1. He didn’t forget to help him put on a life jacket. Don’t want to cry, sir. Are you still interested? He kept asking if you were conscious or not. At that moment when he just shouted, it was a bit touching. Yes, I have been moved. 7 minutes left. They need to inflate. Uh, we need to inflate it outside. If it’s in the cabin, it will block everyone. Inconvenient for movement. There’s really water here. He’s very standard. He came out feet first. Feet have to come out first. Then the head comes out. He’s doing backstroke. This is when we were rescuing him. This is the standard position. Because the lifebuoy got stuck during backstroke, it’s easy for a person to have difficulty breathing underwater. How is he going to get this person up? This is really heavy. I’ve experienced this before. We had two people working together to lift that dummy up. It was tiring. Because the life-saving float didn’t have a fulcrum and it was high. So you feel like there’s a mountain in front of you. Good job, keep it up. Can’t get up, really can’t get up. It’s so heavy, more than 20 kilograms. Because it’s filled with water. And there’s still 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Come on, come on. Falling, falling. Great success. Wow, beautifully done. Impressive, impressive, impressive. Longlong performed this training exercise very well. He’s doing great now. Yes, he’s scoring 120 points in his studies now. There’s a fire in his eyes. Indomitable spirit.