ENG SUB【猎冰 The Hunter】EP14 黄宗伟借假死脱身迷惑警察,叶阿兰与黄宗伟断绝关系(张颂文、姚安娜)

Qi Office and Director Song search all of them. Tan Zhentian is dead. There is no Huang Zongwei, only she take her back. Yes. Your name? Wu Mei her age 24 years old. Where is she from? She is from Sanping District. What is your relationship with Huang Zongwei? I have no relation. It doesn’t matter. Why did you show up In Tan Zhentian’s manor? Huang Zongwei brought me here. Why did he bring you here? For what? In San Ping, he often had wonton in my restaurant. We got to know each other. I think he likes me. I think he is a nice person and he’s generous with his money. And left his contact information. Before this, he asked me to come to Guangqin. Back then, I was not living well at home. I was in a bad mood. And ran out of money, she promised to find him. Then? After I came here, he moved to this villa. I’ve known several of his partners. Do you know what his job is? I have no idea. Don’t you know for sure? They never allow me to get involved in business. I only heard him talking about skills or goods. Huang Zongwei has a formula. That recipe is business. Where’s the Great Man of Huang Zong? He was melted by Master Tan. He is melted? What happened? A few hours ago, huang Zongwei took me to his lab he said he would teach me the formula we heard several gunshots upstairs not long after, Mr. Tan came down and knocked on the door then Mr. Huang asked me to hide them in that cabinet. So I did. I saw through the cracks boss Tan pointed a gun at Huang Zongwei the moment he came in. At first, they were quarreling because Master Tan suspected that that Huang Zongwei and Chen Jian Chang colluded to defraud them. When they were fighting, Master Tan became angry. He fired a shot at Huang Zongwei. And I saw a lot of blood coming out of him. I won’t be able to look. Go on. I… I heard the sound of dragging. I heard the sound of an axe hitting something. Then I smelled a very gross smell. And then I saw a guy. He ran in and said the police are here and they ran away. What is your relationship with Huang Zongwei? He promised to marry me. He said he would marry me. He said he would marry me. We have extracted many sets of and fingerprint in the lab. One group was confirmed were confirmed to be in agreement with Huang Zongwei. The other group Is matched with the fingerprint extracted the fingerprint extracted from Tan Zhentian’s room. It should be Tan Zhentian’s. This is the inspection report from the technical section. The solution in the bucket was a mixture. It was a strong base and human tissue. It also contains some fat. Little bones as well as trace elements. What does that mean? It means that someone was dissolved by the solution. How did you know that the man inside is Huang Zongwei? Due to the strong alkali corrosion, the strong alkali dNA test at the scene but we found a bloodstain we found a blood spot too according to the forensic examination, which is consistent with Huang Zongwei’s blood type. Huang Zongwei was probably huang Zongwei was one of the men in the barrel. One of them. Based on the measurement of the composition of the solution in the barrel, and concluded that there should be two people in the bucket. But the other person’s identity can’t be confirmed for now. We speculated that should be Chen Jian Chang with Huang Zongwei. For now, It’s very likely that Tan Zhen Tian was murdered. This is consistent with Mei Mei’s statement. And the evidence chain. The timeline deduced from that… Is basically complete. Huang Zongwei can’t die like this. We have chased him for so long. He escapes from us like a fox every time. It’s his usual trick to deceive us. And this one must be the same. Come here. Come here. Come here. Do you hear me? Huang Zongwei is still alive, is he? What are you talking about? Huang Zongwei is still alive, right? He’s dead. Where did he go? Where did he go? He died? Are you going to tell me? He can’t just die! Tell me, where did he go? He died? Do you tell me or not? He’s dead? Where is Huang Zongwei? He’s dead! It seems that zhao’s mood is indeed a bit extreme. But I hope you can understand. She has worked this case for so long. And her behavior is under control. She was not out of line. I can understand that. We’ve been through so many things together. Is there anything you can’t understand? I come to you for another reason. What’s that? After collecting the opinions from all sides, we’ve decided to end this case for the time being. The special unit is dismissed. I’ve talked with your Chief Hai Feng have talked on the phone. Go back to Haining tomorrow. Qi Hall? Aren’t you going to investigate this case? Of course I will. But this is not the only case In the world huang Zongwei’s technique was extraordinary this case a great hidden danger to the society. Next, we need to spend a lot of time and energy to eliminate the influence of Huang Zongwei’s case. You guys should go back to work as soon as possible. Once I get a new lead, I will gather everyone again. Chief. My two generals are finally back. Thank you. Don’t worry. Thank you, Director Zhao Younan. Captain Lu. Zhao. Come on. Come on. Come on. You’ve thought it through? Alright then It’s good to be transferred from Anti-Narcotics In retrospect, the cases you handled before each one is more dangerous. I’m still a little afraid. It’s too hard for women to do this. It’s not male or female, Captain Liu. Alright. It’s not male or female. What a rash fellow. I knew you hadn’t left yet. I’ll treat you to hot pot after work. What do you want? I’m leaving. I applied to be transferred to the household registration section. They’ve already agreed. Why didn’t you tell us I told her. I told Captain Liu about it. Why didn’t you tell me? Why would I tell you? Do you mind the transfer? Zhao Younan, what do you take me for? What else do you think I am? That’s right. They are colleagues. I… The entire police we are colleagues, Duan. Come back. Why are you hiding when you’re colleagues? Captain Duan, I’ll leave now. If Duan doesn’t go after us, what are you thinking? We’re just a pure revolutionary friendship. We’re friends. Zhao Younan applied to the Household Registration Section with his suspicions. She doesn’t want to give up. But to retreat in order to advance. And to change the angle to find clues of the case of Huang Zongwei she never forgot why she joined Narcotics Squad It is because Zhao Younan is the grassroots policemen played a key role In our anti-narcotics work at the same time, my superiors and colleagues keep searching for clues. I strongly feel that on such a beautiful day viagra should appear does your Anti-Narcotics Team solve a case based on your feeling? You sound more and more like Zhao Younan you are brainwashed. Captain Lu. Have you watched the TV series called China Great Cases? Yes, I have. (Wei Zhenhai) Xi’an was hunting down the case there. Wei Zhenhai suddenly disappeared for five years. He showed up on the first day of New Year’s Eve he showed up in the house of a man who was ignored. He was caught by an honest police too by the name of Zhu Ruihua only he got a second-class merit I was very impressed. You’re really made to have second class merit. It seems to be Long. Are you sure about this? I’m not sure about that. Have you seen him before? Yes, I have. Come on. I didn’t pay her. What happened? No money. Isn’t this a public property? What? Public property? This is our private property, have you paid the police? No, we haven’t but you two are using your positions to open a restaurant. It’s good that you didn’t hand it in. Stop the nonsense. We won’t leave until we pay. Do you want to dine and dash? I’ll give you 10 yuan. We paid last time together. You love to run restaurants. Remember your task. Got it. Take care. I’m sure that that it was Long who was riding a motorcycle. Once again I’m sure that the one who was riding the motorcycle that was Long. My second-class merit finally worked. But I made eye contact. He won’t recognize me, right? To find Liu Yuan. It’s none of my business. What can we do the old way is waiting. Hey. Boss. Take the bag and double happiness. We’re the police. Where were you just now? Where were you? Someone just gave me a hundred yuan and asked me to pretend to buy cigarettes. Then took a note to the shop owner what was written on it? It seemed like buying fish from a stall. Who paid you? It’s a young man wearing a helmet on a motorcycle. Let’s go then. Keep an eye on the store. How much is the fish? These two yuan for one kilo. Alright. Okay. How about this one? This costs three yuan for one kilo. Close the market! Hurry! Block the food market! Hello? Detachment Wang huang Zongwei appeared in Haining City. Block all the exits to prevent him from leaving. Why did you come back? To pick you up. Where to? Overseas. You can go wherever you want. I don’t want to go abroad. I can’t live without knowing anyone. We have the habit of go to Southeast Asia? Southeast Asia. America. And Europe. Anywhere. There are so many people from our hometown. And Chinatown. You don’t have to speak English when you’re abroad. You know? How can you get out if you are a fugitive from justice? Don’t worry. I’ve found the way. We’ll be enjoying the sunshine overseas, and a family being together. The police couldn’t find us? This has nothing to do with the police. Then what is it then? Why don’t you know it yet? You are a criminal and drug dealer, no matter where you go, the police will never let you go. Alan. Also, the police told me the Methamphetamine you made high purity and highly toxic. You will destroy tens of thousands of families your families were broken up. Alright. You can pretend nothing has happened, but I can’t. I can’t let my three children to have a criminal father. You won’t leave? If not, give the kids to me. I’ll take them with me. Here you go. What? To be a drug dealer? You have someone else? Wei. There is nothing between us anymore. Alan. After going abroad, we can start all over again as a family. Alright? I can forget the past. And I can start a legitimate business. OK? Where did you get the money? Standard Chartered Bank of Hong Kong. Is there enough 6 million in it? You know what? Don’t stay here. It’s not safe here. Do you think the police only stare at me? They’re watching you, too. Is there a snail food store right? It was driven by the police from Sanping. How did you know that? Long and I kept an eye on you for days those two man and woman, all police officers! And also there’s a lot of people many policemen from Sanping I know them all. They must be watching the kindergarten too. The child and I can’t go with you. If we get caught on the way, If they get caught on the way. You don’t know law drug trafficking is my business It’s none of your business. The police said hiding something is a crime of cover-up. And the money we spent. The police said it was stolen. Can you guarantee that your child won’t know he’ll know your identity? Alright. You don’t have to come with me. No need to come with me either. I have one request. I want to see my child before I leave. I can’t. Why not? You better get out of here completely. If you’re really for their good, don’t let them know about your existence. If you can’t promise to disappear forever, I’ll call the police now. I’m being very kind to you. Ye Alan, I don’t even know you! How can you be so cruel? How can you I’ll do anything I’ll do anything to save her. I’ll tell you one thing too. I can’t bear have I not done enough these years? Alan. I am doing all these for you and our child. How can you not understand me? I know. I admit that… I admit that you have done a lot to this family all these years but why did you do it? Don’t you know you’ll destroy the four of us? I’ll leave today. I’ll never look for you again. Take this. I don’t want your money. If you don’t want my money, I won’t leave. If you promise me one thing, take the money and take good care of my three children. In the future, so that they can go to college. What if they ask what his father does, just tell him I’m a chemistry teacher. If the police ask you, you tell them I kidnapped you. Escort her back. Alan, can you take the kid overseas with me? Take care. Sister-in-law. Go back. Don’t worry. Let me send you back, Sister-in-law. I’ll go home by myself. Brother. Sister-in-law, you don’t need me. Are you alright? Long. Remember my words. To start your own business. Don’t have too many attachments. Just go. Then, did you give the money the money? Are we running out of money? Wherever I am, aTM is wherever you go. Where should we go then? Guangqin. They all think we’re back in Haining? To cut him back. Can you guess it? He can’t. Who would? Lan, thank you for taking care of my family. I know you’re police officers. How did you know that? Huang Zongwei just kidnapped me to the suburbs, I made it clear with him we will have nothing to do with him anymore. Why didn’t you call the police? How could I call the police? I don’t have cell phone or phone. I couldn’t beat him with gun in his pocket. Furthermore, It’s none of your business to arrest him. His life has nothing to do with me to do with me or the child. I’ll go to the police station tomorrow and change the kid’s last name to Ye. Where exactly did you meet? It’s useless. He was riding a motorcycle. They would’ve run away long to get two books. He wants to get two two identity cards in Central Plains. Many places can get one as long as they have money. People go abroad in this way. Brother, where should I go? Do you need me to teach you? Haven’t you seen the little ads on the street? I didn’t notice them. Do you think it’s fake? We’re loafers who wander the world now. Use your brain, Long. You have to see everything with your heart observe with your heart. You will lose your head if you don’t act wisely. That’s right. Make two phone numbers. Alright. Scratch my back. Right. Right. Right. Boss. Two phone cards. Alright. How much is it? One hundred. 8956742. 7682350 8956742 7682350. Handsome. Handsome, are you taking a shower? Is there any other service? We call this Fairyland. We can have whatever we want. We can spend to spend as much as you want. Handsome, this is your first time here, right? This is your first time here. 30% off? 30%? This way, please. This way. Come here. Don’t stand there. Come, sit there. Come and have a drink. I’ll get a pretty girl for you. Handsome guy, come here! Come here, handsome guy. He woke up. Don’t look for it. All your things are here. Two phone cards, one cell phone, one bank card, and a wallet. With 500 yuan. You spent 30,000 yuan here today. I’ll give you a 30% discount. Nine thousand? One more thing, we need to apply for a new card of 100,000 yuan. Ten thousand minus nine thousand. You have to pay an additional 910,000. This is an illegal hotel. What are you talking about? There is no such thing as gangsters. If you can’t afford it, have someone else pay the bill. You should let me make a call. Then I’ll call him. 139. It suits you well. How much is it? Two hundred and one. Throw away my old clothes. Alright. Hey! Your buddy Long Is eating competitive meal at our restaurant and I can’t pay for a shower. Please solve it. Where is it? Viagra. You’re not dead, Sheng. You’re not dead? Why are you here? I own this shop. Quickly long was tied up here by your men. What? -Hurry up! -Who dares to do this? Miao Miao. Miao Miao, long! Long! Miao Miao, brother Sheng. Where’s Long? What brings you here? He… he’s here. Brother Dong. Hello. Long! Brother! Long! Sheng! You’re not dead. What are you doing here? Brother Dong, this is my life, brother. Let’s talk after we get back. Long. Another lucky guy. It’s a long story details later. Hey, how much do I owe you? His debt. No need. My brothers are playing. Right? Right. Fetch some drinks. Play with me for a while. Charge it to me. Thanks. Come here often. Sheng, sorry for the trouble. It’s nothing. It’s not a big deal. It’s good that you’re here. Who was that? Let’s talk at home. Come on. Alright. Come on.