ENG SUB《魔道祖师》The Founder of Diabolism Mo Dao Zu Shi EP03 腾讯视频 动漫

= This animation is exclusively sponsored by Cornetto = = Based on Mo Xiang Tong Xiu’s novel of the same name = = Adult Supervision Is Recommended = = Cornetto, simple but amazing = = Let’s go back to our childhood = = Founder of Diabolism: The Past = ♪ The past fades into the wind and rain ♪ ♪ Gazing at the sky defiantly ♪ ♪ Clutching my flute gently ♪ ♪ Back in the Cloud Recesses ♪ ♪ We indulged in wine ♪ ♪ Fate is unpredictable ♪ ♪ I was left alone, dreaming ♪ ♪ Good and evil ♪ ♪ Chaos plagues the world ♪ ♪ I fought all alone ♪ ♪ But I never ♪ ♪ Betrayed my principles ♪ ♪ I tried not to care ♪ ♪ Not to see, not to hear ♪ ♪ But those painful memories haunt me ♪ ♪ This life ♪ ♪ Everything is unreal ♪ ♪ My love and respect remain ♪ ♪ Even though we walk different paths ♪ ♪ My ambitions and goals ♪ ♪ All fade away ♪ ♪ Good and evil cannot coexist ♪ ♪ But love and hate are hard to tell apart ♪ ♪ Is it all real, or just a dream? ♪ = Founder of Diabolism: The Past = = Episode 3 Lesson Time = = The 18th Year of the Reign of Xuanzheng = = Cloud Recesses = Here we are! Let’s take a break. Take a break. If you get up late again tomorrow, I definitely won’t wait for you. I was only just late. The worst it can get is to stand in the corner! Zixuan. = Jin Zixuan = He’s becoming more and more presentable. Jin Clan of Lanling, as rich as the princes. He’s the heir of the Jin Clan. He has to be presentable. Stop! Don’t get any bad ideas. I’m warning you. No matter what, Jin Zixuan is still my sister’s fiancé. He’ll be family one day. You will have to bear with it. Alright, I got it. The Orchid Room? The name’s not bad. But the old man who teaches is so stubborn. But he’s extraordinary indeed. However useless one may be, he can turn them into presentable men. Am I not presentable enough right now? = Nie Huaisang = Jiang Cheng! Wuxian! You are definitely going to be that one spot staining his whole teaching career. Wuxian is only a disciple of Jiang Clan, how come he is able to study at Gusu? Wuxian’s parents were friends of Jiang Fengmian, who’s treated him like his own. Oh I see. No wonder Jiang Chen and Wuxian get along so well. They’re like brothers! Jiang Chen, Wuxian. You must think Gusu is a boring place. Wouldn’t say it’s boring, we just got up too early. We start at 5 am here, it’s not that bad right? When did you two get up? Him? He always gets up late. Instead of practicing swordplay, he goes to hunt pheasants and fool around. I’m the best in hunting pheasants. I want to go study at Yunmeng next year! No one can stop me! Huaisang, no one will stop you. Your brother will just break your legs. Honestly, you can still have fun in Gusu. Are you kidding me? A piece of advice for you, this place doesn’t tolerate misbehavior. Now that you’re in Gusu, make sure to never mess with this one man. Who is it? Lan Qiren? Not that old man, but his favorite student. Lan Zhan, one of the Lan Brothers. Lan Zhan, Lan Wangji? Yes. He’s in charge of discipline Everyone here fears him. Good thing is, he likes meditating alone, so we don’t see him around often… How is it him? Wuxian, have you done something wrong? Well… You are not allowed in until 7 am tomorrow. Get Out. Emperor’s Smile! I’ll give you a jar. Put on a smile. Don’t be so harsh. You can’t drink here. Is there anything we can do here? The Rock of Disciplines have listed them all. Go see for yourself. Your house rules state more than 3,000 lines. Who’ll look at that? Alright, alright. I’m not going in. I’m not in the city, so I can drink here, right? It’s prohibited here to go out at night, drink alcohols, or fight privately. You’ve already broke 3 rules! There are more rules than ants. He’s watching you. Good luck. Good morning, sir. Okay, be seated. = Lan Qiren = House rules of Lan Clan: No private fighting, no promiscuity, no killing inside the city, no wandering around at night, no shouting, no rushing… No smirking, no sitting hunched over… -How can he listen to something so boring? No… I’m reciting them one by one because no one reads them. Let’s see who else will break the rules. Is he talking about me? Since someone is still not paying attention, alright then, I’ll tell you something else. Wei Ying! Here! Who was the first one to prosper their family at the cost of their Clan? Wen Mao from Wen Clan. What did the ancestors of Nie Clan do? Butcher! How do spirits, demons, ghosts and monsters differ? Spirits come from living plants and animals, demons from humans, ghosts from the dead, monsters from dead plants and animals. There is an executioner who has parents and children. He beheaded over 100 people. After he died, no one buried him. Full of resentment, his ghost haunts the streets. What should we do? Well… Don’t choose me… Wangji, you tell him how to solve this. Talk to him first. Remind him of his family and calm him down. Find out his unfulfilled wish, clear his clinging to the world. Force him to leave if that doesn’t work. If he refuses to repent, destroy him. That’s the proper procedure we should follow. I have doubts. Fine out his unfulfilled wish, clear his clinging to the world? But what do we do if his obsession is to revenge? We’ll use force when it’s necessary. Destroy him if we have to. What a waste! It’s not that I didn’t know the answer, I was just thinking for a fourth option. I’ve never heard of any other solutions. Here! The executioner died a violent death and is full of wrath. Given the number of people he beheaded, why don’t we dig up the graves of those killed by him and gather their ghosts to fight with him? Our goal is to purify these evil spirits. You’re trying to make evil fight evil? That’s totally wrong and unethical! Resentment and wrath are powers too. Why can’t we make good use of them? Let me ask you, how can you make the dark forces obey you? What if you lose control? That’s a good question. If you’ve got the answer, you’d have become the enemy of us all! Get Out! What time is it now? How come the boat’s still not here? Exactly! We’ve waited for so long already. Hopefully nothing bad happened. It’s here, it’s here! Here comes the boat! Pack your things and get ready! Water ghost! We’re doomed! Water ghosts don’t behave like that, I’m afraid it’s something more dreadful! How, how do we deal with it? Wen Clan are here to cleanse evil! All of you leave! To your position! It’s done. You can all safely pass through now. Thank you masters! Thank you for saving our lives! Isn’t it quite inappropriate? We were ordered to destroy it and we’ve only just pushed it downstream. What’s inappropriate? That creature under the water is powerful. It’s easier said than done to kill it. But the downstream reaches the boundary of Lan Clan. I’m afraid… Afraid of what? As of today, most Clans are dependencies of us. Lan Clan alone won’t pose a threat to us. Wuxian! Wangji! He ignored me. What did you expect? Remember what you answered in class last time? You’re impossible! He’s probably just like Childe Lan, who thinks you’re evil and bad to the guts. Yeah, Lan Wangji usually… No, he has never been that rude. But honestly, I think what you said makes sense. I don’t know how many years it’ll take people like me to cultivate inner strength step by step as they instructed us to. The wrath and resentment of vengeful ghosts can be readily used. That sounds exciting, isn’t it? That’s exactly what I meant. If we can make use of them, then many places that gather resentment won’t be forbidden places anymore. Even the Burial Mounds at Yiling will become a treasure trove. Enough. This is getting ridiculous. You can say whatever, but you can’t go down that path. I’m not stupid enough to try that. I’ll follow the right path like the others do. If it were that easy, someone would’ve tried already. It’s still early. Let’s go hunt some pheasants! Forget the pheasants! Childe Lan ordered you to copy The Book of Discipline three times, and reflect on your wrongdoings. Three times?! I’d rather kill myself! No way. I’ll do it for you. I’ll do it. But you’ll not do it for free will you? Say it. What do you want in return? Here’s the thing, Wuxian. Childe Lan has a bad habit. He likes to quiz us unexpectedly. Hold on! You want me to take the exam for you? No, telling me the answer is enough. I have everything prepared. Childe Lan already hates me. If he finds out… Please, Wuxian! It’s okay. Nothing will go wrong. Well… Wuxian, I’m sorry. Didn’t you say it’d be okay? I didn’t expect Lan Zhan to suddenly appear… Anyways, you’re on your own. There, the library is right ahead. It’s just copying a book. Huaisang… Childe Lan said no one is allowed to help you… How would he know that? Unless… Does he have someone watching me? Exactly. Seriously?! Lan Zhan… You people… This guy is dead boring, and I’ll have to sit with him for a month? This is torture. Wangji, a question for you. Do you actually really hate me? You’re still ignoring me. Hey, hey. What should I call you to get a response? Wangji? Lan Wangji? Lan Zhan? Or… Childe Lan? Oh I got it! Brother Lan! = Sorry, please remove the spell = Silly. Oh my god, I thought I was gonna die! Hey, Lan Zhan, I wanted to apologize to you! How could you treat me like that? One more word, it’d be four times. = Diligence, Morality, Harmony, Perseverance = = Faith, Respect, Modesty, Loyalty = = Be honest and sincere = = Trust is the coin of the realm = = A Month Later = Childe Lan, it’s been a month. I won’t come in tomorrow. Here’s a parting gift to you. Here, you can have it. = Poems by Lan An = How do you like the gift, Childe Lan? Si… It’s "silly" again, isn’t it? Can’t you say anything new? So silly. = Poems by Lan An = Wei Ying! Yeah, I’m here. You! Manners, Childe Lan, manners! If you fight me, your library will be destroyed! You… What on earth are you?! I’m a man. It’s just erotic art. Every man has seen something like that. Don’t tell me you’ve never seen it. -Have you actually never… -Shut up! You really are shameless! Childe Lan, calm down, calm down! No private fighting here! Let… go. Why? I thought you didn’t want to see it. Oh, so you wanted to see it! You were just pretending. I WON’T LOOK. Then why are you grabbing it? Are you gonna hand it to Lan Qiren? Oh, I mean, your uncle. Well, don’t do that! What if he suspects you’ve read it? Wouldn’t you die out of embarrassment? You! It was you who read it! I… What’s with the you and I? Everyone says you’re the finest gentleman in the world. You hid erotic pictures in books. You study them tirelessly. If your uncle found out… Oh no, those pictures were great! How can you just tear them up like that? You’d better clean it up. I’m not helping. Scram! What? Scram? Can’t believe you’d say that. Lan Zhan, they say you’re cultured and elegant, always well-behaved. But look at you now, goodness… SCRAM! = Emerald Lake, Caiyi Town, Gusu = What’s that? What on earth is that thing underwater? ♪ Leaving mountains behind ♪ ♪ Crossing countless rivers ♪ ♪ Bathed in moonlight ♪ ♪ The melody is frozen ♪ ♪ Souls have scattered ♪ ♪ The wind carries my thoughts away ♪ ♪ A king’s joy ♪ ♪ Indulging in wine ♪ ♪ The flowers bloom and wither ♪ ♪ The leaves fall ♪ ♪ Honesty and discipline ♪ ♪ Embittered hearts ♪ ♪ Upholding justice ♪ ♪ My sword cleanses the world of evil ♪ ♪ Forced separation ♪ ♪ Unfulfilled wishes ♪ ♪ The music flows ♪ ♪ The flowers bloom ♪ ♪ Remember the rabbits? ♪ ♪ The years pass ♪ ♪ Haunted by sorrow ♪ ♪ Endless night ♪ ♪ Stepping into the Cold Spring ♪ ♪ Old memories reemerge ♪ ♪ Play for me ♪ ♪ Smile for me ♪ ♪ Is this all a dream? ♪